Year 3 are kicking the year off with their topic Digging up the past. In Key Stage 2, history is taught chronologically, and we start with the Stone Age. The children will be immersed into the Stone, Bronze and Iron Age. We will be hunter gatherers, settled farmers, and trades people. In Autumn 2, we will explore the lives of inspirational people. We will consider how they have made an impact on our planet and what impact we could have in the wider community.

Meet the Team

Mrs Jill Newman : Teaching Assistant

Mrs Jill Newman

Teaching Assistant

Mrs Diane Russell : Teaching Assistant & First Aid Leader

Mrs Diane Russell

Teaching Assistant & First Aid Leader

Mrs Firth :

Mrs Firth

Mrs Sheila Handy : Year 3 Teacher

Mrs Sheila Handy

Year 3 Teacher

Mrs Abbie Smith : Year 3 Teacher & English Leader

Mrs Abbie Smith

Year 3 Teacher & English Leader

Latest Information

  • Difference Day! (3/18/2024) - We have been learning about inspirational people through the Little People Big Dreams books. At the end of this term,… Read More
  • Latest information (3/18/2024) - Here’s our latest newsletter006 Year 3 Newsletter 13th October 2023 Read More
  • Welcome Aboard (3/18/2024) - The first week’s newsletter has been sent on scholar pack.  Click on the link below if you haven’t accessed it… Read More

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