All pupils have an extensive range of opportunities. This prepares them extremely well to become well-rounded citizens of the future.

Ofsted Report 2023

At Astwood Bank Primary, we have six key aims that we want to achieve for all children in our care. Through these aims, we know that every child is given the opportunity to become a well-rounded, confident and resilient individual, who is better prepared for life after primary school. Our school will never underestimate the role that we play in preparing children for adult life, and we will always pay serious attention to developing a child’s character.

Valuing the whole child

Our aims and values are well established, and they contribute to our success in supporting children’s personal development. You’ll often hear us talk about valuing ‘the whole child’, and by this we mean that we always strive to provide a happy, safe and secure environment, and to foster attitudes which will instil self-confidence and create a sense of personal worth.

A supportive curriculum

The curriculum for pupils’ personal development is exceptional.

Ofsted 2023

Our school makes sure that citizenship, RE and other areas such as personal, social, health and economic education (PSHE), and relationships education, contribute to pupils’ personal development. Teacher led assemblies, school trips, charitable work and a very inclusive school environment all contribute to our pupils’ individual character. Fundamental British Values are embedded throughout our school. Pupils at our school have a strong understanding of the difference they can make in society. They are considerate to the needs of others. They are kind and caring and treat everyone with respect. What’s more, they know that showing these character traits will help to make the world a better place to live, both for themselves and others. We have an extensive range of opportunities available to children, including extra-curricular clubs, sports activities and music lessons. Some of our clubs are also designed and led by older pupils at lunchtime.

They actively support charities by raising awareness and money. The extensive range of opportunities includes pupils running a café for parents.

Ofsted 2023

Beyond the classroom

We believe that developing the whole child is not isolated to the classroom. We know that children thrive and flourish in different environments, and we provide wider opportunities that enable all children to shine. Our school has an excellent music provision. We have an active choir and an orchestra who perform regularly on the big stage. Our sports teams of all abilities are successful and we have children represent our school in a number of tournaments. Children in key stage two are given the opportunity to go bell-boating on the River Avon, and every child in Year 5 is given the chance to go on a residential stay in Shropshire. In Year 3, pupils run their own café for parents, and in Year 6 we end the year with a big production. We are especially proud of our partnership with Acorns Children’s Hospice for whom we do a lot of fundraising each year.