Working towards a more sustainable school

Eco-Schools is an international award programme that guides schools and pupils on their sustainable journey, providing a simple framework to help make sustainability an integral part of school life. Eco-Schools can help enhance the curriculum and get the whole school united behind something important. At Astwood Bank Primary, we currently have the Bronze Award but… our mission is to help make our school sustainable, to reduce waste and to bring about behaviour change in our pupils and those connected to them so that good habits learned in our school are followed through into homes and communities. Our ultimate goal is to fulfil the seven steps to receiving the Eco-Schools Green Flag.
Seven Steps to Achieving The Green Flag
Step 1: Eco-Committee
Step 2: Environmental Review
Step 3: Action Plan
Step 4: Curriculum Links
Step 5: Informing and Involving
Step 6: Monitoring and Evaluation
Step 7: Eco-Code
Eco/Gardening Club
The gardening club try to meet once a week and spend their time improving the school environment. They have made insect hotels, bird feeders and generally kept the garden area at the back of the nurture room tidy. They’ve planted the tyres with bulbs for the spring, and planted flowers for the summer. They keep an eye on how carefully everyone uses electricity in school and encourage everyone to reuse and recycle waste.