Giving children a voice at Astwood Bank Primary

Astwood Bank Primary has a very active school council. Meeting at least once every half term, two children from every year group meet together with a member of the school’s leadership team to talk about issues that matter most to the children. Ideas are discussed and councillors feedback to their class at the next opportunity. Councillors are invited to meetings via letter, and there is always a plentiful supply of juice and biscuits on offer!

Giving children the ability to have a voice within the school aids school improvement. We listen to our children, and they know their views are important. As teachers, school leaders and governors we often find that some of the best developments around the school have been the result of our councillors passing on their thoughts and the views of their peers. What’s more, School Council is the perfect opportunity to show democracy in action. Our children have a strong affiliation to the Fundamental British Values; they know that our meetings allow children to voice their opinion in a respectful manner.

In 2022, our council helped make improvements to the school’s exciting curriculum. They were also heavily involved in choosing the new playground equipment, which we’re pleased to say went down a treat!

As we commence the new academic year, twelve new councillors have been elected by their peers in a demonstration of democracy in action. We also have one or two special seats reserved for pupils who teachers can choose at their discretion.

Latest Information

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