Over February half-term, we would like the children create a ‘Save the Planet’ poster. This will be a whole school competition, and the Year 5 team have decided to give the children half-term to do this. The more creative, colourful, and informative it is, the better! This will be due in on Tuesday 28th February. We look forward to seeing their posters! Maths homework (pages 2 & 3) has also been set to be in for 28.2.23.

On return from half-term (week beginning 27.2.23), it will be Science Week: the theme is We Are the Future, and most of our lessons will be based around this. If you manage to do anything Science-based over half-term, then please let us know (pictures, notes etc). This will also tie in with World Book Day that week on Thursday 2nd March.

We hope everyone has a lovely, restful half-term 😊