Astwood Bank Primary School

"A centre of learning and opportunity"

Pupil Zone

Pupil Zone

Explore the buttons below for fun activities, useful websites and helpful advice. It’s always best to be online with an adult nearby and remember to get permission before downloading anything.


Use this link to visit the Childline website, a free and private service for young people. Online, on the phone, anytime – Childline can talk to you about any questions, concerns or worries.

Young Minds

If you’re struggling with your feelings, you’re not alone. Young Minds have loads of practical tips and advice from young people just like you, as well as information on getting the support you need. 


This website provides lots of advice about how to keep your time online safe, secure and happy.

Think You Know

The National Crime Agency’s CEOP Education team aim to help protect children and young people from online dangers.

Purple Mash

Visit our learning platform, Purple Mash, where you can play games and get your homework done!

Accelerated Reader

Follow this link to check out your bookshelf, see your word count and discover your next book.


Visit this site to test your subitising skills! Great for Year 1, 2 and 3 children.

Timetable Rockstars

Test your timestable knowledge and even play against your friends by visiting the TTRS website.

National Geographic Kids

The National Geographic website is perfect to support your learning about the natural world.

Oak National Academy

Follow this link to find loads of videos and lessons on all the subjects taught at school.


A brilliant website for those of you who are interested in art!

NASA Kids Club

If you like science and astronomy, you’ll enjoy this website by NASA.

Ordinance Survey Kids

A great website to get to grips with simple coding.

Music Lab

If you’re into music, you’ll find yourself spending a long time on this website!

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