All pupils deserve equal access to a broad, balanced curriculum and a wide range of opportunities
We value the need for a stimulating ‘learning’ environment that promotes active learning, lively enquiring minds and an ability to question rationally
We recognise that everyone has personal strengths and qualities that are developed through opportunities created to suit individual learning styles
Each person is of equal importance, and excellence is achieved through opportunity, encouragement and recognition
We value the partnership between parents and the community, teamwork and the importance of shared responsibility
To provide a happy secure environment and foster attitudes which will instil self confidence and create a sense of personal worth
To provide a broad and balanced curriculum that stimulates and challenges pupils to enable them to acquire knowledge, skills and understanding relevant to life in the 21st Century
To provide a learning environment with a range of sensory opportunities in which pupils can access and organise resources/aspects of their work and become independent learners
To provide a curriculum that takes account of individual learning styles as well as promoting physical, social, emotional, creative and spiritual development
To promote an atmosphere that fosters a sense of caring, tolerance and support alongside an appreciation of different view points, which enables each individual to achieve their own potential
To communicate effectively with parents and the community and to develop shared goals and values that will support and challenge the pupils