We have two splendid choirs at Astwood Bank and we’re looking forward to some exciting concerts and events. All documents and resources are available through the link below. Do check out the videos of past events too. Our media statement is right at the bottom. Please check back regularly for updates.

Upper school choir – Years 5 & 6

Yet again our senior choir was outstanding at the Palace Theatre for the Gotta Sing concert on 12th June. They raised the level of their performance beyond anything we could have hoped for. The sense of pride in what they achieved and the thrill of a magnificent performance will long live with them! Well done indeed! The video of the night is now LIVE – and there are some professional photos in the resources folder. Enjoy!

Lower KS2 choir – Years 3 & 4

Young Voices was Friday 26th January 2024 – See the video in the resources folder!

Diary dates

  • Grandparents’ Tea Party is planned for the autumn term – y3&4 choir
  • MAT Christmas Carol Service – St Stephen’s Church – 11th December 2024 – y5&6 choir
  • more to follow…

Past highlights from our choir

Joining our choir – statement

Upon joining choir for the first time, we ask for a specific media consent. We take online safety very seriously; no child will be named in our videos and links will be posted on the choir page. As a school we can’t guarantee how this material will be used once it is in the public domain. If you have any questions or concerns about this issue please do ask.

We intend to have lots of fun with choir but do regard it as a serious commitment so please do reinforce this with your children. Our choir members are often seen performing in public places and are always excellent ambassadors for the school. Remember, the first port of call for information is always the choir page on the school website.

From May 2022, when ticking any choir media consent, you are agreeing to the following statement: My child would like to join the school choir and I am happy for video footage and photographs to be taken at concerts and events. I am also happy for photos and video featuring my child to appear online, such as on YouTube, and also in local newspapers. I will inform school if this situation changes.

If your child wants to join choir, but you are unable to give this media consent for whatever reason, please do come and talk to me and we may be able to make a separate provision.

Mr George