Ofsted 2023Reading is celebrated and prioritised across the school.

At Astwood Bank Primary, we understand the importance of spreading a love and joy of reading. Our curriculum is underpinned by the use of high-quality books and poetry, and we develop a love of reading through a range of school-wide opportunities. These include visits from authors and poets, poetry competitions and a ‘15 book challenge’. As part of this challenge, each year group experiences a new set of 15 books, which are diverse and thought provoking. All of this means that pupils talk about books and texts with great enthusiasm. We prioritise the teaching of early reading; phonics teaching starts as soon as children join in the early years.

Supporting parents with reading at home
Introduction to Twinkl
Click on this link to learn about our adopted phonics scheme.
The 15 Book Challange
Learn about our school’s 15 books challenge for all year groups.
10 Top Tips for Reading
Try these top tips for supporting reading at home.
My child won’t read. What can I do?
Finding it difficult to motivate your child to read? Watch this clip for some advice.
Reading Books in Reception & Year 1
Key information about what reading looks like for the youngest children.
Accelerated Reader in Years 2-6
Here’s everything you need to know about how we use Accelerated Reader at our school.