We are so sorry, technology has failed us and we can’t get the documents to open. Here is the homework for this week and we will try to sort it out tomorrow!

Year 4 English and Maths Homework

29th September 2022 (handed in Monday 3rd October)

English We are sending home the CGP KS2 English Grammar, Punctuation and spelling books. The children will need to complete page 7 – ‘Adverbs’. These books will need to be back in school on Monday morning as we will need them for a lesson first thing.

Maths – We would like the children to get familiar with TT Rockstars and play at least 2 – 3 games in the studio. Playing in the studio will give your child a rockstar status. We will send home login details for TT rockstars in the front of their CGP books.

Spellings – A spelling sheet has been sent home, please start at week 3.

So sorry.

Mrs Smart and Miss Lewis